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Favorable countries for migrants: attitude to new citizens

How are new citizens treated in Europe

Every person at least once in his life visits the idea of moving to another country. The reasons for such a desire are different. One does not have a business, the other has met a love living abroad, the third dreams of getting a prestigious education, the fourth is looking for ways to improve his financial condition. Migration has been at all times and continues to be today.

Many people are afraid of the word migrant and the attitude towards it. Different countries have their own immigration laws. Not every state is ready to accept migrants as an active resource. However, a number of countries need migrants because of the lack of workers and for this reason removes restrictions that reduce the migration influx.

For people who have decided to move abroad for permanent residence, an important point is a tolerant attitude. Often there is a fear of biased attitude, and this is quite normal. Always before accepting the unknown, there is fear. Often people wind themselves up about this, and there is no bias at the level of human relations. Weighing all the pros and cons, do not forget about the empathy inherent in any society. If it is not possible to live in your homeland, create, find ways to implement it as you would like, you can take the opportunity to move to a place where everything will work out. And such a move does not carry any danger.

Stereotypes about the attitude towards new citizens

There are stereotypes that have little to do with reality, allowing you to create cliches about people and the world around you in the wrong direction. It is generally believed that in European countries there is a widespread hostility towards new citizens. Yes, it may be true in small villages, but in large cities and megacities, the attitude towards new citizens is absolutely neutral. There is a dislike for refugees from Syria, but this is a separate case.

Europeans are friendly and peaceful people. They have a positive attitude towards tourists and are neutral towards those who move to them.

The attitude towards Russians is also neutral. There is an opinion that in Western countries you can see a manifestation of Russophobia. But, as practice shows, this is just a stereotype.

Real attitude to new citizens

European countries are increasingly becoming a favorite place for Russians to migrate. They go to permanent residence in them, having the status of a residence permit and as refugees. They migrate to a place where they meet a friendly attitude. It is neutral, in some countries, with the same religion, they treat new citizens well, even love them.

You can easily immigrate to countries that are members of the European Union: Germany, Spain, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Portugal and the United Kingdom, which left the EU in 2020.

The best country for immigration is Germany. Highly qualified specialists working under the Blue Card program are in demand here. Germans consider immigrants to be peaceful, generous, and brave. The attitude towards them is positive, if the Germans did not have a negative experience of communicating with them before.

Spain attracts new citizenswho are ready to invest 500,000 euros in real estate, which they return in 5 years. And also needs qualified doctors and engineers. They treat them with respect, honors culture, admires natural resources.

The UK issues a residence permit status after making an investment of 2,000,000 pounds, and after 5 years of residence assigns citizenship to migrants. If you are reserved and polite, do not defend your political beliefs, waving your hands, you will be able to win over local residents.

Austria attracts by issuing citizenship in exchange for an investment of 6,000,000 euros. The attitude towards new citizens is friendly. It’s just that the Austrians themselves do not tolerate tactlessness, regardless of nationality, and the manifestation of emotions in them is not at all decent.

To get a residence permit in Greece, you need to buy a property in the amount of 250,000 euros. Immigrants are treated neutrally in the country. Women are more favored than men. There is no racism in Hungary. New citizens are treated as they deserve to be treated. If a migrant respects and honors traditions and local customs, they are always contacted.

The results are as follows: in most cases, the attitude of foreign states to immigrants is neutral. But, before moving, it is worth studying the cultural characteristics of the country in which you will live, traditions and language. And if the behavior of a migrant is polite and friendly enough, then he will feel tolerance and respect from the citizens of any state.

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